Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rough Draft

Life of an Artist: Dawn Okoro 

I LOVE Dawn Okoro (painter) She is an ABSOLUTE artist. I had the pleasure of attending, what I believe was her first show way back when in Austin TX and has been a HUGE fan ever since. It's a beautiful thing to be able to watch a person grow and create. (it makes my heart happy to see my friends and peers creating their life and living it) But what's most inspiring to ME (and i'm sure to other struggling and starving artist) is to know the story behind the perception. And for every ARTIST I know, they either had to work a 9 to 5 to fund their projects or they are still working that 9 to 5 to fund their projects and that is INSPIRATION. Let's not pretend we all just graduated from high school or college and starting doing what makes our souls dance with joy. If you have never had to struggle, sacrifice your time, skip a few meals, hustle up rent in a week, figure out how you going to put some gas in your car so you can get to that 9 to5...than you may not be able to recognize a blessing when it comes your way. God forbid you take it for granted and loose it. I'm not saying you in order to achieve the level of success you desire you have to be borderline homeless...but to know the bitterness life can hand you while going down the path YOU choose, doesn't it make LIFE extra SWEET (after all that)...

Everyone knows I have NO time on my hands to really write what my heart speaks, but by Dive intervention, I am able to share this with you. I hope you check her out and if you ever have a chance to visit a gallery showing, please do. I'm co-signing for Dawn Okoro ;-) tiff j

I am so inspired by so many individuals. Entrepreneurs, musicians, artist, bloggers, writers, poets, friends, family, community leaders, college students, and of course people like my self (any way the wind blows them ;-)...people simply trying to live their BEST and Authentic lives. This "blog" is dedicated to YOU! I'm your #1 Fan and I want the WORLD to know who YOU are. No I don't have a large reader base (yet), but I believe in Six degrees of separation. And I SUPPORT YOU! co-sign

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